Archive for July 2014

Boats, ducks, spiders and cats.

Had lunch aboard a friend’s gulet (traditional wooden cruising boat) in the harbour at Üçağız/Kekova a couple of weeks ago. Very nice relaxing time, his paying guests were all out on a trip and it gave him time for a little socialising. It is a six cabin gulet, very comfortable inside.

Afrodit M

Took the dogs for a run along the beach at Andriake and caught these ducks swimming over the sunken wreck of a fishing boat in the estuary.

Ducks over wreck

This Ladybird Spider (Eresus cinnaberinus) came marching across the patio. Nice colouring and regarded as endangered in UK it only exists in a secret location in Dorset apparently, plenty of them in Mediterranean coasts though.

Ladybird spider

The kittens are thoroughly at home now and running riot all over the house when they are awake. They suddenly run out of energy though and just fall asleep in seconds for an hour or so before going mad all over again. They have discovered that with their claws they can climb so have been up all over everything including humans and the scars are there to prove it.


Lovable little things though they are Stanley likes to keep an eye on them from the privacy of the top of a kitchen cupboard.

stan cupboard



Posted July 12, 2014 by cukurbagli in Uncategorized