Archive for June 2018


In the rocky ridge at the back of my house there are some holes in the rock face and a pair of owls live in them. Some nights in summer they sit on my roof and in the big eucalyptus tree, I often hear them calling to each other and this week they brought their recently fledged offspring to hunt whatever they could find on my garden. Unfortunately I was caught off guard and didn’t have my camera set up for the best shots, hopefully everything will set up and ready next time.

The owls seem to be fairly happy about being approached as long as I don’t get within about ten feet of them. The adults brought this year’s baby to see what it could find to eat and it successfully caught and ate something that it spotted about four feet from the back wall under the vine where I usually park my car. I suppose I’m going to have to leave it parked further away for a while, well that’s not a problem since the grapes are going to start oozing juice before long.

I took a few photos of all three of the owls on the vine frame at the house too but those were with the camera on my phone and even with a lot of computer manipulation the images are not fit to be posted here.

This one seems to be the smallest, I’m not sure if that means it’s the baby or the mother. My dogs bark at them and it’s quite eerie to see them gliding around silently in the late twilight, their soft feathers don’t make a sound and I can imagine the surprise of their prey.

I hope to capture a few more shots in the next couple of weeks and hopefully I’ll be better prepared and they will be a lot better quality.

Posted June 26, 2018 by cukurbagli in Uncategorized